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Home > News > General > Notice to All Customers ROI & NI 20-11-17
Notice to All Customers ROI & NI 20-11-17
News - General


Subject: Price Increase as of 1st December 2017 – ROI & NI


Dear Clients,


For several years, we have continued to absorb the continuing inflation in the costs associated with the provision of all goods and services provided by ADGER Ireland. During this period we have seen continued increases in many factors that affect these costs, particularly in Ireland, where we see regular increases in our costs by imposed actions of governments, such as import duties, vehicle costs, fuel costs, insurance costs, training, qualification, certification and compliance issues. In order to comply with all of these matters while continuing to provide the best level of services that we currently do, we incur large increases in our costs, sometimes at very short notice, and with very little external consideration given to the situations that we find ourselves in and the effect it has on what we can provide to our clients and the effect is has on their requirements also.

As a result, reluctantly, we have to inform you that we have no choice but to increase the price of some of our goods and services. We have tried to keep the increases to a minimum wherever at all possible. Despite this, we have had to take considerable action in relation to the incurred costs associated with some products and services. Rather that apply the most significant increase to all or introduce an average increase across the board, we have made a conscious deceision to keep any increases specific to the areas where we have incurred the largest increases in our costs. Therefore, thankfully, some products and services will remain at the same price to our clients, but some will have to incur the relevant increase.

As there is such an extensive list of products and services we provide, in excess of 1,000,000, it is not possible to publish a full list of the changes, but you can request any specific information you require from our office at any time if you wish to do so.

In the certain knowledge that you will understand and appreciate our best efforts to continue to maintain and improve on the best level of products and services we provide to all of our clients, we thank you for your continued support and business and remind you that you can contact us at any time for any further information on this or any other enquiries.


Many Thanks for your business and continued support.


Best Regards

Management of ADGER Ireland




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Company Registered Office: Creagh Road, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway, Ireland. Company Reg. No.: 322144 Vat Reg. No.: IE6342144L
Managing Director: Adrian Donellan, Financial Director: Evelyn Donellan